` Visit Austin Leverages Machine Learning and an Immersive Rich Media Experience to Drive Ad Engagement and Destination Visits | AdTheorent
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\ Press Release

March 13, 2018

New York, NY — AdTheorent, Inc., an advertising technology company using data, predictive targeting and machine learning to provide competitive advantages to marketers as measured by real-world business outcomes, and LatinWorks, a full-service cultural branding agency headquartered in Austin, TX, today announced campaign results from the “Visit Austin 2017 Leisure” mobile advertising campaign.  AdTheorent’s creative division, Studio A\T, collaborated with LatinWorks to build a custom rich media unit highlighting Austin’s rich culture and providing exclusive experiences to capture user attention.  The goal of the campaign was to drive visits from key “drive and fly” markets; to measure the success of the campaign AdTheorent performed a custom visitation study to measure unique visits resulting from campaign exposure.

Rich Media Drives Engagement and Visits

The primary “key performance indicator” (KPI) for the campaign was visits to Austin resulting from engagement within the unique rich media ad experience.  Running from May 11 through Sept. 30, the campaign geo-targeted Austin drive markets and fly markets. AdTheorent used its predictive targeting capabilities to target only users within the target DMAs who were deemed most likely to engage with the ad and then visit Austin as a result.  The combination of effective targeting and the functional and pleasing ad experience yielded a very successful campaign.  Overall rich media engagement was 10.68%, exceeding the industry average by 21%.  Not surprisingly, engagement was slightly higher in the drive market expandable, delivering an 8% higher engagement at 11.10%.

Custom Visitation Study Results

To measure the effectiveness of the campaign given the advertiser’s goals, AdTheorent performed a custom visitation study to report the number of unique visitors who traveled to Austin after having been served the rich media ad unit. AdTheorent leveraged its Cross-Environment Map (CEM), which connects 600MM devices to more than 90MM US households to identify individuals across multiple environments (i.e., mobile phone, tablet, desktop computer, physical address) for superior attribution.  Through the CEM, each user is assigned a unique ID, allowing AdTheorent to attribute to one user ads served to multiple devices maintained by that user.   At the start of the campaign, all IDs that resided within the Austin DMA were collected and removed from the ID pool.  AdTheorent then collected the IDs for all served ads, and compared this data to IDs identified in Austin during the campaign and for a period of 30 days following campaign exposure.  For accuracy, the IDs were “de-duplicated” to ensure that if the IDs were seen multiple times throughout the campaign they would only be counted once.

The Visit Austin 2017 campaign achieved a 1.52% visitation rate, driving 191,957 unique visitors to the destination. The majority of consumers who visited Austin post ad exposure did so in the first two months after exposure, while average length of time between first exposure and visitation was 49 days.

“AdTheorent’s Cross-Environment Map is uniquely capable of connecting the dots not only between devices to assign them to a single user, but also to physical address. The benefit when determining unique visitors for the Visit Austin campaign is that we are able to filter out Austin residents, as well as those seen in market on multiple devices to ensure that each visitor is truly unique,” said Josh Walsh, AdTheorent’s President, Media. “In this case, the custom rich media expandable ad unit, coupled with AdTheorent’s machine-learning predictive targeting has delivered engagement and visits, and we are thrilled with the results of this campaign.”

Top Cities Austin Visitors Traveled from Post Campaign:

  1. Chicago
  2. Houston
  3. New Orleans
  4. Oklahoma City
  5. Denver

Driving Excitement for Austin Through Custom Expandable Rich Media Unit

The Visit Austin 2017 campaign was conceived to be a highly engaging and immersive ad experience for the user.  The user experience flows from an initial rich media banner that expands into a full page rich media unit showcasing a custom interactive map of Austin neighborhoods with pins in key locations.  When the user taps on a pin, he or she is taken to a video exploring the area, highlighting additional information about desirable activities in that area.  From there, he or she can build an interactive list of things to do in Austin or learn more at VisitAustin.org.

To view the Visit Austin campaign, click here.

About AdTheorent®

AdTheorent is a machine learning-powered predictive advertising company, utilizing machine learning and advanced analytics to connect advertisers with their optimal audiences, at scale. AdTheorent’s Data Science team leverages an award-winning machine learning platform connected to a Cross-Environment Map consisting of 600MM devices across 90MM US households.  AdTheorent’s platform combines millions of data attributes into custom models to drive campaign results, far outperforming industry standards, to predict and identify users most likely to engage with an advertiser’s message. AdTheorent’s Studio A\T creative organization helps advertisers develop the most effective creative assets, content and technology solutions to engage with audiences.  AdTheorent’s award winning attribution division – MRC-accredited Barometric – provides attribution solutions based on real-world outcomes. For more information, please visit adtheorent.com.

About LatinWorks

Founded in 1998 by Manny Flores and Alejandro Ruelas, LatinWorks is based in Austin, TX and is a cross-cultural agency the believes brands live by their connection with culture.  And today, culture is evolving faster than ever before. Culture is created through a natural tension – between diverse people, ideas and values.  We believe that brands thrive not by simply reflecting this culture, but by affecting it.  Using an approach we call Positive Friction, we harness the tension in today’s society and inject the energy it creates into our work, affectively getting to great ideas that begin to change culture itself.

Recognized on a global scale as one of the most awarded multicultural agencies, LatinWorks is a three-time Ad Age “Multicultural Agency of the Year”, a two-time recipient of Ad Age’s “Agency A-List” award and one of Forbes’ “Most Influential Agencies.”

About Visit Austin

Visit Austin is the official destination marketing and sales organization for the City of Austin. An accredited member of the Destination Marketing Association International, Visit Austin is charged with marketing Austin nationally and internationally as a premier business and leisure destination, thus enriching our community’s overall quality of life. In 2016, the greater Austin MSA welcomed 25.6 million visitors who contributed to $7.4 billion in economic impact and 121,900 jobs.

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